Local and systemic immune markers of persistent airway inflammation induced by house dust mite allergens

  • Laura Tamašauskienė LSMU MA MF Imunologijos ir alergologijos klinika


Laura Tamašauskienė successfully defended a doctoral dissertation “Local and Systemic Immune Markers of Persistent Airway Inflammation Induced by House Dust Mite Allergens” at the open session of the Medical Research Council of the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences on August 30, 2022. The Dissertation has been prepared at the Department of Immunology and Allergology of Faculty of Medicine of Lituanian University of Health Sciences during the period of the 2018–2022 year. The article presents the main results of the dissertation.

Scientific Supervisor:

Prof. Dr. Brigita Šitkauskienė (Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Medical and Health Sciences, Medicine – M 001).

The Defense Council:

prof. Dr. Elona Juozaitytė, chairperson (Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Medical and Health Sciences, Medicine – M 001);

prof. Dr. Juozas Kupčinskas (Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Medical and Health Sciences, Medicine – M 001);

prof. Dr. Andrius Macas (Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Medical and Health Sciences, Medicine – M 001);

assoc. Prof. Dr. Vincas Urbonas (Vilnius University, Medical and Health Sciences, Medicine – M 001);

dr. Nicholas Brodszki (Lund University, Medical and Health Sciences, Medicine – M 001).


How to Cite
Tamašauskienė L. Local and systemic immune markers of persistent airway inflammation induced by house dust mite allergens [Internet]. PIA 2023 Apr.;7(1):26-36.[cited 2024 Jul. 20 ] Available from: http://pia.pulmoalerg.lt/index.php/PIA/article/view/1160