Obesity worldwide and in Lithuania is an increasing health challenge associated with various genetic, environmental factors, and lifestyle. Traditionally obesity is treated with lifestyle intervention, pharmacological and surgical treatment could be prescribed. Individuals with obesity often experience respiratory problems due to the accumulation of fat around internal organs and the chest cavity. This can lead to respiratory restriction and disrupt lung function. In recent years, there has been a growing body of evidence regarding the systemic inflammation caused by adipose tissue, hormonal changes that can contribute to the development and exacerbation of asthma. Research indicates that obesity can reduce the effectiveness of asthma treatment with glucocorticoids, worsen the course of the disease, and increase the risk of hospitalization. Most studies show that weight loss can improve asthma control, lung function, and quality of life for individuals with obesity. In recent years Obese asthma syndrome has been described and includes many phenotypes. When treating obesity, it is important to consider lifestyle changes, dietary adjustments, and physical activity.