• Astra Vitkauskienė
Keywords: latent tuberculosis infection, tuberculin skin test, interferon-gamma release assays


Latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) is a subclinical infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tuberculosis without clinical, bacteriological, or radiological evidence of the disease. There are currently two options for LTBI diagnosis: tuberculin skin test (TST) and interferon-gamma release assays (IGRA). Both TST and IGRA have limited predictive values, and their usefulness is restricted to the identification of those who would potentially benefit from preventive therapy. TST and IGRA are acceptable, but imperfect tests and neither test can accurately differentiate between LTBI and active TB, distinguish reactivation from reinfection, or accurately predict progression from LTBI to active disease. Diagnostics of LTI is an additional test, and the diagnosis of tuberculosis should be based on clinical, radiological and microbiological findings.

Author Biography

Astra Vitkauskienė

Department of Laboratory Medicine, Medical Academy, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences 

How to Cite
Vitkauskienė A. DIAGNOSIS OF LATENT TUBERCULOSIS INFECTION [Internet]. PIA 2019 Sep.;3(2):123-125.[cited 2024 Jul. 20 ] Available from: http://pia.pulmoalerg.lt/index.php/PIA/article/view/126
Pulmonology and allergology