• Ieva Bajoriūnienė
Keywords: food hypersensitivity, food allergy, diagnosis, double blind placebo controlled food challenge


Food allergy is the immune system‘s of the human organism unusual or hypersensitive reaction to various food components. The number of food allergy cases has been increasing noticeably, as well as the number of other allergic diseases. Food allergy symptoms are numerous and may be harmful to many organs, such skin, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Food allergy can be suspected in many cases but it is often difficult to distinct from nonallergic hypersensitive reactions caused by food components and other internal diseases. Methods for diagnosis are skin tests, specific antibody analysis in serum, elimination diet and food challenge. They help to precisely diagnose food allergy, while proper treatment allows to avoid both complicated and possibly even life-threatening allergic reactions and improper nutrition caused by ungrounded food restriction.

Author Biography

Ieva Bajoriūnienė

Department of Pulmonology and Immunology, Kaunas University of Medicine

How to Cite
Bajoriūnienė I. FOOD ALLERGY [Internet]. PIA 2007 May;1(1):28-31.[cited 2024 Jul. 20 ] Available from: