Interested in submitting to this journal? We recommend that you review the About the Journal page for the journal's section policies, as well as the Author Guidelines. Authors need to register with the journal prior to submitting or, if already registered, can simply log in and begin the five-step process.

Requirements for authors

    1.1. By submitting the manuscript to the editorial office of the journal “Pulmonology and Allergology”, the author confirms that the other co-authors (if there is any) have reviewed the manuscript agreed to publish it; there is no conflict of interest. Manuscript submission to the editorial office is equivalent to a signed “Copyright Confirmation Document”. Thus, the publisher acquires the right to the manuscript, protecting it from illegal copying and reproduction.
    1.2. The published material must be new and relevant; correct, accurate, clearly and logically analyzed and discussed in all cases.
    1.3. Previously published articles may not be submitted, except those published as abstracts, lectures or reviews. If at least one of the authors has previously published an article using the same research material or part of it, he must inform the publisher by providing a copy(s) of the previously printed article(s).
    1.4. The number of manuscript authors should not exceed six. Recommendations do not object to authorship restrictions. Each author of the manuscript must be actively involved both in the study and in writing the manuscript.
    1.5. Authors can be individuals:
    • Directly involved in planning the study (hypothesizing, selecting research methods) or analyzing and interpreting the results.
    • Writing a manuscript or advising the writer on a specific topic.
    • Agree to all information provided in the final version of the manuscript and take full responsibility for the accuracy of that information.
    All authors must meet all three criteria listed. Other people who contributed to the manuscript may be mentioned separately in the section ‘Acknowledgments’.
    1.6. Assessments, opinions and recommendations of the authors reflected in the articles do not necessarily coincide with the opinions of the editors or the publisher. Therefore, neither the editors nor the publisher accepts responsibility for this information.
    1.7. The manuscript must be free of typing errors.
    1.8. Each manuscript is reviewed by a journal editor, language editor, the layout is performed, and forwarded to the author for review before printing. The author is responsible for finding typing errors; text changes and additions are made if necessary. Proofread PDF files must be returned to the publisher within 48 hours. After this last alignment, the manuscript will be published. Subsequent additions will not be accepted.
    1.9. Manuscript in the “Scientific Papers and Reviews” section of the journal is peer-reviewed. Scientific articles must be written in accordance with the requirements of the scientific language style, and the terms must be written in the original language of the manuscript or in Latin if there is no equivalent. The terms are the responsibility of the author.
    1.10. The author may choose a secret review whilst the reviewers are not provided with information about the author of the manuscript. In this case, the author must request the editor-in-chief for a secret review in an email when sending the manuscript.
    1.11. Information on newly published books is printed after the original non-returnable copy of the book has been received by the editorial office.
    2.1. The whole manuscript must not exceed 20,000 characters, counting without spaces (including tables), except for articles in the Pharmacotherapy section, which must not exceed 15,000 characters, counting without spaces (including tables). The description of clinical cases should not exceed 5,000 characters, based on up to 10 literature sources.
    2.2. The manuscript must be submitted by email as a Word text document, 6 mm between printed lines (1.5 intervals), font size Times New Roman 12 pt., alignment of 2.5 cm the margin on both sides. The lines and pages of the manuscript must be numbered.
    2.3. All scientific papers have the same general format. They are divided into distinct sections, and each section contains a specific type of information:
    Title page: Title of the manuscript (in Lithuanian and English), names and surnames of the authors, their workplaces, person contacting the editorial board, email address, preferably, a mobile number. Specified section of the journal wherein the manuscript should be printed:
    – Topic news.
    – Recommendations.
    – Pulmonology and allergology.
    – Dissertations.
    – Scientific articles and reviews (articles are peerreviewed).
    – Scientific theses.
    – Pharmacotherapy.
    Manuscript summary and keywords (in Lithuanian and English). Each summary must not exceed 1,000 characters, except for scientific papers and reviews, up to 2,000 characters, without spaces. Up to five informative words or phrases as keywords. The summary of the manuscript in the “Scientific articles and reviews” section should be structured, all others are written in standard.
    Structured summary. Up to 2,000 characters. Consists of the following parts: Introduction, Objective(s), Materials and methods, Results, Conclusion/Summary.
    Standard summary. Up to 1,000 characters. The clinical case summary should not exceed 600 characters.
    2.4. Requirements for a scientific article (peer-reviewed):
    Introduction. Names the purpose of the scientific research project, the most important scientific works in the field, the aim and objective(s) of the research, novelty and the originality of the research idea.
    Materials and methods section indicates the location of the research project, the number and description of subjects or substances tested, describes the treatment or interventions and statistical analysis methods used. If any methods used are uncommon or not commonly accepted, the reasons for the authors choice must be stated. Original methods should be described or references to standard methods provided in references, any used equipment should be specified. Research involving human must be conducted in accordance with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki.
    Results section describes the outcome of the study, provides a concise, consistent and logical summary, and
    indicates its statistical reliability. Some of the results can be presented in the form of graphs, tables.
    Discussion of results. At the beginning of the discussion, we recommend presenting the main original statements (conclusions) of the article, derived from the research data. It is recommended to structure the discussion of results by distinguishing subtopics (we recommend discussing each original statement discovered in a separate subtopic). Results and conclusions of the research are compared with the analogous data published by other authors; their identities and differences are evaluated. It is especially important to emphasize the originality and novelty of the research. Avoid repeating the facts presented in the research results section.
    Conclusion/summary describe the importance and usefulness of the research results. Indication of perspectives of further research is recommended.
    References (detailed requirements are given below).
    2.5. Requirements for scientific review (peer-reviewed).
    Scientific articles must be written in accordance with the requirements of the scientific language style and preferably comply with the structural parts of the scientific article (see 2.4). However, when submitting a scientific review, singling out points 2.4.3–2.4.7 is not necessary (the coherence of these points can be felt in the text), omitting points that would be illogical by the nature of the manuscript. The manuscript must not exceed 20,000 characters without spaces (including tables). The summary should be in a standard format, with 1,500–3,000 characters without spaces and 3–5 keywords. The methods section should indicate the databases used. The results of retrospective and prospective studies are summarized separately. Requirements for the bibliography can be found in 2.10.
    2.6. Requirements for scientific thesis. The text must be written in accordance with the requirements of the scientific language style and comply with the parts of the structural summary: Introduction, Objective(s), Materials and methods, Results, Conclusion, Summary. The volume of the thesis must not exceed 2,000 characters without spaces. There can be one table or graph.
    2.7. Text writing style. Arabic numerals and the International System of Units (SI): kg, g, mg, mmol, m, cm, etc. must be used to indicate weights, dimensions, percentages and degrees. The % sign is used in English text and tables. Use the abbreviation ‘proc.’ in the Lithuanian text. Indicate the international names of all pharmacological preparations (medicinal products), the group to which they belong and, where appropriate, the trade name and company name in brackets. Abbreviations mentioned for the first time in the text should be explained. The fractional part of numbers in Lithuanian is separated by a comma (for example, 2,15), in English – by a dot (for example, 2.15).
    2.8. Figures (preferably no more than 4-5 figures) are marked in Arabic numerals in sequence and presented in a separate document from the main text. The title is written below the figure, first marking the sequence number of the figure, e.g., Figure 1. Submit images in an open format (for editing). All numerical or alphanumeric markings in the figure must be clear and of sufficient size (1.5–2 mm).
    2.9. Tables. The title of each table must be numbered in Arabic numerals and printed on a separate sheet. Only standard universally understood abbreviations explained below the table should be used. The authors must prepare the material of the tables in an understandable way. In the text, they must be marked as ‘Table 1’, etc.
    2.10. Acknowledgements. Acknowledgements are written only to individuals or organizations who were directly involved in or supported the study, both intellectually and materially.
    2.11. References. The bibliography is based on the Vancouver system and the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts of Biomedical Journals (Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals JAMA. 1997; 277: 927–34). A maximum of 25 references should be cited, with the exception of scientific reviews and recommendations, a maximum of 50 references; preferably in the last decade. References are listed in the language in which they were published, and in the manuscript, they are indicated in Arabic numerals in square brackets starting with a citation from [1]. Indicate all authors if there are six or fewer. When there are more authors, the first six are listed and “ir kt.” (in Lithuanian) or “et al.” (in English) is written.
    Examples of references:
    A journal article:
    Johnston LK, Hsu CL, Krier-Burris RA, Chhiba KD, Chien KB, McKenzie A, et al. IL-33 Precedes IL-5 in Regulating eosinophil commitment and is required for eosinophil homeostasis. J Immunol. 2016; 197(9):3445-53.
    An article from conferences, congresses:
    Pelosi P. Acute Respiratory failure and critical care. In: Pneumo Update Europe 2017, 4th European Update Congress in Pneumology; 2017 June 9–10; Vienna, Austria.
    An article from a book:
    Bourbon J, Henrion-Caude A, Gaultier C. Molecular basis of lung development. In: Gibson GJ, Geddes DM, Costable U, Sterk PJ, Corrin B, eds. Respiratory Medicine. 3rd Edn. Edinburgh/Philadelphia, Elsevier Science, 2002; pp. 64-81.
    A book:
    Vigneswaran W, Garrity E, Odell J, eds. Lung Transplantation: Principles and Practice.1st ed. Boca Raton, FL: Taylor&Francis Group,LCC: 2015.
    The internet addresses and other electronic sources:
    WHO. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). Date last updated: June 1 2004. Date last accessed: June 1 2004.
    2.12. Manuscripts for the sections “Scientific Papers and Reviews” and “Scientific Theses” of the journal are submitted by March 1 or 1 August of the current year, other articles - until 15 March or August 1, respectively.
    2.13. Electronic forms of the requirements for authors, the review and the copyright confirmation document (the signing of which is equivalent to the submission of the manuscript to the editor) are submitted at